Who Has the Most Rings in the NBA? Players and Teams with the Most NBA Championships

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Kim Nunley

Former basketball player. Now a fan. Founder of Home School Hoop.

Key takeaways:

  • Bill Russell holds the record for most NBA championships won, with 11 NBA titles.
  • The Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers are tied for the most team NBA championships, each with 17.
  • To many, championship rings are the end all be all of the NBA and significantly impact a player’s and a team’s legacy.

Championships are the marker of success in the NBA. For players, the dream of capturing an NBA ring is the ultimate motivation. And whether fair or not, fans always judge a player’s greatness and legacy by how many NBA championship rings they’ve won.

The rings that NBA players receive after capturing a championship are not just jewelry; they are symbols of a team’s perseverance and the culmination of a season’s hard work.

So, who has the most rings in the NBA? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the history of those who have achieved the most NBA championships, legendary teams, and the discourse of titles shaping legacies.

Bill Russell: The Record Holder of NBA Rings

A photo of Bill Russell, the NBA player who has won the most NBA rings.
By Unknown author – Here, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=111833890

Bill Russell stands as a legend in the NBA, holding an unbeaten record. He won 11 championships with the Boston Celtics, making him the player with the most NBA rings ever.

Russell’s time with the Celtics, from 1956 to 1969, was extraordinary. In just 13 years, he led the team to 11 championship victories. This achievement cemented the Celtics as one of the greatest teams in NBA history.

Table 1: List of Bill Russell’s NBA Championship Seasons

1957Boston Celtics
1959Boston Celtics
1960Boston Celtics
1961Boston Celtics
1962Boston Celtics
1963Boston Celtics
1964Boston Celtics
1965Boston Celtics
1966Boston Celtics
1968Boston Celtics
1969Boston Celtics
Source: NBA.com

Russell wasn’t just a champion but a five-time NBA Most Valuable Player and twelve-time All-Star. He was famous for his defensive play, especially his blocking shots and grabbing rebounds. His unique approach to defense, which included studying and outsmarting his opponents, changed how defense was played in the league. He also influenced the NBA’s goaltending rules.

Beyond playing, Russell was a pioneer. In 1966, he became the first African-American coach in the NBA. He didn’t just coach the Celtics; he continued to play for them. Under his leadership, the team won two more championships.

Bill Russell’s unparalleled achievement of 11 NBA championships sets a high bar in the league’s history.

Learn more: Who is the oldest NBA player?

Other Top NBA Players by Number of Rings

The Boston Celtics’ incredible success from 1957 to 1969 didn’t just make Bill Russell a legend. It also put several of his teammates among the top NBA players with the most championship rings. These players, alongside Russell, are among the elite with the most rings in the NBA.

  • Sam Jones: Right behind Russell, Sam Jones earned 10 NBA championship rings. Playing for the Celtics from 1957 to 1969, he was a significant player in one of the team’s most prosperous times.

After Sam Jones, three players stand out with eight championship rings each:  

  • Tom Heinsohn: Playing alongside Bill Russell from 1956 to 1965, Heinsohn was critical to the Celtics’ winning streak. His clutch play and quickness were a big part of why the team did so well.
  • K.C. Jones: Another big name from the Celtics, K.C. Jones played from 1958 to 1967. He was famous for his strong defense, helping the team win many championships.
  • John Havlicek: Havlicek, also with the Celtics, had a long career from 1962 to 1978. Known for his energy and versatility, he helped the team keep winning.

Learn more: Who is the NBA logo?

The Significance of Championship Rings in a Player’s Legacy

The debate over the role of championship rings in an NBA player’s legacy is not straightforward. Is a player with many rings automatically one of the greatest of all time (GOAT)? 

For most, rings are seen as the ultimate achievement. Others argue that they shouldn’t be the sole measure of a player’s greatness since basketball is a team sport.

While championship rings are often seen as the pinnacle of NBA success, they are just one aspect of a player’s journey in the league’s championship history.

The Case for Championship Rings

Most players and fans view winning a championship as the highest accomplishment in the NBA. It’s often the deciding factor in the GOAT debates.

This is because winning an NBA title is about more than just personal success. It shows a player can lead a team to victory and make a difference in the game.

There’s no arguing that once players see their legacy boosted to another level once they do add a title to their resume. Players who win championships, especially those who win several like Bill Russell, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant, are often seen as the best in the sport.

The Case Against Overemphasizing Rings

Hall-of-Famer Tracy McGrady, who never won a championship, believes that focusing only on rings isn’t fair to many great players. He says the team’s overall situation greatly affects winning titles.

Basketball is a team sport with many variables. Even the most talented players need the right team and situation to win.

So, should we also consider a player’s skills, impact on the game, and personal achievements when considering their legacy? There are great NBA players who have never won a championship. Think Patrick Ewing and Charles Barkley, two legendary players who never won a ring.

A quote graphic reading: "I dream about winning a championship, where everybody is hooting and hollering for you. - Ray Allen"
By HomeSchoolHoop.com

Which Team Has the Most NBA Championships?

When it comes to winning the most NBA championships, two teams are at the top: the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers.

  • The Boston Celtics: The Celtics have won 17 NBA championships, the highest in the league. Their first win was in 1957. They were wildly successful in the late 1950s and the 1960s. The last time they won the championship was in 2008.
  • The Los Angeles Lakers: The Lakers have also won 17 championships, tying with the Celtics. Their first championship was in 1949, back when they were known as the Minneapolis Lakers. They’ve had several winning periods, with their most recent title in 2020.

These two teams stand atop the NBA with the most rings. They both have a long history of winning championships that earned them many fans and cemented their places as iconic franchises.

Learn more: How many NBA teams are there?

NBA Teams With the Most Championships

A bar graph showing the NBA teams with the most championships.
By HomeSchoolHoop.com | Source: NBA.com

Other NBA teams have stood out beyond the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers with at least five championship wins.

  • The Golden State Warriors: The Warriors have won several championships, starting in 1947. They became very successful again in the 2010s with the arrival of Stephen Curry. Known for their exciting playing style and teamwork, they’ve become a prominent team in recent years.
  • The Chicago Bulls: The Bulls were the team to watch in the 1990s, mainly because of Michael Jordan, often called one of the best basketball players ever. They won six championships in the 90s, including two sets of three consecutive wins.
  • The San Antonio Spurs: The Spurs have been consistently successful, winning their first championship in 1999. They’re known for their intelligent playing strategies and have been a steady, high-performing team in the league.

Table 2: Franchises with the Most NBA Championships

T-1Boston Celtics17
T-1Los Angeles Lakers17
3Golden State Warriors7
4Chicago Bulls6
5San Antonio Spurs5
T-6Detroit Pistons3
T-6Miami Heat3
T-6Philadelphia 76ers3
T-9Houston Rockets2
T-9Milwaukee Bucks2
T-9New York Knicks2

These teams have etched their names in NBA history with multiple championship victories.

Learn more: How long are NBA games?

How Championships Define NBA Teams

Lakers vs. Celtics is the most storied rivalry in professional basketball for one reason: the teams have won the most NBA championships.

The number of championships or rings a team has won in the NBA can significantly influence its legacy and standing in the sport. The more titles a team has, the more respected it is in the sport’s history.

When a team wins a championship, it gets more attention. This means more people buy team jerseys and other items, more people watch their games, and more fans buy tickets, often at higher prices.

More importantly, winning an NBA ring also brings joy and excitement to the team’s fans. It’s a big reason why fans support their teams so passionately.

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Who won the most NBA championships as a player?

Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won by a player, with 11 titles during his career with the Boston Celtics.

Which NBA team has won the most championships?

The Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers are tied for having won the most NBA championships, each with 17 titles.

How many rings did Michael Jordan win?

Michael Jordan won 6 NBA championship rings, all with the Chicago Bulls.

What makes Bill Russell’s record unique in NBA history?

Bill Russell’s record is unique because he won 11 championships in just 13 seasons, an unmatched success rate in the history of the NBA.

What NBA team has 0 rings?

NBA franchises that have never won a championship include the Brooklyn Nets, Charlotte Hornets, Indiana Pacers, Los Angeles Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies, Minnesota Timberwolves, New Orleans Pelicans, Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, and Utah Jazz.

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