Basketball Lingo: What Does ‘And 1’ Mean in the Game?

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Written By Kim Nunley

Former basketball player. Now a fan. Founder of Home School Hoops. 

Ever wondered what And 1 meaning is in basketball? Let’s break it down in a simple way.

Basketball is a world rich in slang. One term you’ll often hear is “And 1”, linked to some of the most exciting plays in basketball. But, what does “And 1” mean?

Key Takeaways:

  • Defining “And 1”: It’s when a player scores a basket while being fouled.
  • Plus a Free Throw: After an “And 1,” the fouled player gets one free throw.
  • Impact on the Game: And 1’s can quickly and dramatically shift a game’s momentum.

For players, an “And 1” is a skillful achievement. For fans, it’s a thrilling moment to witness. So, whether it happens during a pickup game or on a professional league court, it’s a fundamental part of sports terminology. 

Here, we dive into the “And 1” meaning and its impact, and explore some of the most memorable “And 1’s” in basketball history.

What is “And 1” in Basketball?

“And 1” refers to when a player scores a basket while being fouled in a basketball game.

A definition of the meaning of And 1: "When a basketball player scores a field goal while being fouled. The player is then awarded one additional free throw."

The basketball term “And 1” comes from the additional free throw awarded to the player who scored despite the foul. This extra opportunity allows the scoring team to potentially add one more point to their tally.

This scenario is not limited to two-point shots; it can also happen during a three-pointer, leading to what’s known as a ‘three-point play’ or even a rarer ‘four-point play’ if the shot was a three-pointer.

While they only give the chance to score one more point, “And 1’s” are magical for infusing energy and excitement into the game. When they happen, both the players and any crowd watching get amped, making them powerful momentum-builders.

“And 1” Meaning in a Game

A graphic that breaks down what happens when an And 1 in basketball occurs.

Let’s get into what And 1 meaning is with an example. Picture this: A player drives toward the basket, leaps, shoots, and scores, all while being fouled. This is a classic “And 1” scenario.

Here’s what happens:

  • The referee blows their whistle, signals that the basket counts, and reports the foul.
  • The fouled player then goes to the free-throw line for one additional shot. 

This play can also unfold with a three-pointer. If fouled while scoring a three-pointer, the player still earns one free throw, aiming for a ‘four-point play.’ Players like Stephen Curry have mastered this.

In an interview with Wired, Stephen Curry shared his favorite type of basketball play, saying, “Besides, like, a game winning shot, I’d say probably like, a four-point play. You know, getting fouled on the three-point line and knocking down a shot ’cause I get to do my count and have a little fun with it.”

“And 1” and Its Impact on Player Stats

When an “And 1” occurs, it affects several statistics. 

  1. The fouled player gets credit for the field goal made, whether it’s a two or three-pointer. 
  2. The defender’s shooting foul is recorded.
  3. The scoring player gets an additional free throw attempt. If successful, this adds to their point total.

This makes “And 1” moments not only exciting but also influential in a player’s statistical performance.

Why Players Yell “And 1”

Players often shout “and one” during a basketball game when they’ve shot the ball and feel they’ve been fouled. It can come as a celebration or protest, even if the referee hasn’t made a call. 

This shout serves as both an expression of skill and a not-so-subtle challenge to the officials, adding an extra layer of drama and intensity.

But, as you can see below, sometimes yelling “And 1” backfires. Referees can call technicals for unsportsmanlike conduct.

The Impact of an “And 1” in a Basketball Game

“And 1s” in basketball deliver more than excitement; they are pivotal moments that can alter the course of a game. Their impact is felt in several ways, from the scoreline to the emotional dynamics on the court.

Scoring Impact

An “And 1” play adds an extra point opportunity, which might seem small but can be critical. In close games, every point counts, and “And 1s” can help a team close a gap or extend a lead. This additional scoring chance, often unexpected, can be the difference between winning and losing.

Emotional Impact

The psychological effect of “And 1s” can also influence a game’s direction. For the player who scores, it’s a boost of confidence. They feel unstoppable, having scored despite the challenge. This confidence can spread to teammates, fueling a sense of momentum and invincibility. 

On the other side, “And 1s” can be demoralizing for opponents. It signifies a defensive mistake, often leading to frustration and a loss of focus.

Techniques for Getting More “And 1s”

Achieving more “And 1s” can hugely impact your team. Here are some strategies players can use to increase their chances of creating “And 1” situations:

1. Master the Pump Fake

A well-executed pump fake can trick defenders into becoming off-balance or out-of-position. By faking a shot, you can lure the defender into jumping or reaching, creating an opportunity for a foul and an “And 1.” Practice your pump fake to make it believable and effective.

2. Initiate Contact

Initiating contact with a defender can often lead to “And 1” situations. When driving to the basket, use your body to create contact while maintaining control of the shot. This requires balance and awareness to ensure that you’re still able to make the basket despite the contact.

3. Strong Finishing Skills

Developing the ability to finish strong at the rim is crucial. Even under pressure or contact, maintaining focus and control over your shot can result in successful “And 1” plays. Work on finishing drills that simulate game-like contact.

4. Avoiding Flopping

While drawing fouls is part of the strategy, be cautious about flopping. Exaggerating contact to deceive referees, known as flopping in basketball, can lead to penalties. Instead, focusing on genuine offensive moves like pump fakes, jabs, and hesitations naturally leads to “And 1” opportunities.

Learn more: Biggest Floppers in the NBA

Best “And 1” Moments in Basketball History

There are countless great “And 1” moments. Here are a couple of my personal favorites from the NBA and WNBA:

NBA: Andre Iguodala With Acrobatic “And 1” Layup

In a playoff game between the Golden State Warriors and Oklahoma City Thunder, Andre Iguodala followed up a deflected pass and made an acrobatic layup while fouled within the final minute of the first half.

WNBA: Kelsey Plum with Clutch WNBA Finals “And 1”

In Game 2 of the 2022 WNBA Finals, Kelsey Plum of the Las Vegas Aces used a crossover followed by a pump fake to draw the basketball foul while making a layup.


What is an And 1 in basketball?

An “And 1” in basketball occurs when a player scores a basket while being fouled. The player is then awarded one additional free throw.

What does And 1 mean in slang?

In slang, “And 1” is a phrase used to express excitement after scoring in basketball while being fouled. It indicates the player’s right to one more free throw.

Is And 1 a foul call?

No, there is no “And 1” foul in basketball. But an “And 1” play does involve a foul. It refers to any time a player is fouled while making a basket.

How does an And 1 impact the score?

An “And 1” can impact the score by adding up to two or three points from the basket, plus one more point if the free throw is made.

Can an And 1 occur on any type of shot?

Yes, an “And 1” in basketball terms can occur on any type of field goal attempt, whether it’s a two-pointer (even a dunk) or, a three-pointer.

What happens if the ‘And 1’ free throw is missed?

If the ‘And 1’ free throw is missed, the play continues with the game’s usual basketball rules. The scoring team has the chance to rebound the ball, but no additional points are awarded from the missed free throw.


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